Class Monitor

To support Study Leader with class management so the leader can focus on presentation.

Watch recorded training.
View the training presentation.

Prior to a session

  1. Send the Zoom link to the class.
  2. Get online 15-20 minutes before the first class to agree on how questions will be handled. Strongly suggest that participants be instructed to use the blue hand raise tool on Zoom.
  3. Discuss and agree on hosting and co-hosting duties prior to each session.
  4. Discuss timing and length of breaks and Q&A and how speakers will be alerted to the need to stop speaking and move to a break or Q&A.

During a session

  1. Mute class participants, as needed.
  2. Monitor chat and hand raise tool.

After a session

  1. Have Study Leader confirm any assignments prior to next session.
  2. Encourage feedback form be submitted at the end of course.


Last Updated