Mary Ann Haagen

Mary Ann HaagenMary Ann is a Shaker, scholar, musician, and retired music teacher. Her research focuses on the N.H. Shaker communities. She lectures widely on Shaker history, music, and dance and has recorded three CDs with a vocal ensemble she directed. The group's DVD, We Find No Harm in Dancing, documents their work with Shaker dance. Her articles on Shaker history appear regularly in Shaker Museum publications. The Collected Writings of Elder Henry Cumings, edited by her, was suggested reading for her course. 

"A Peculiar People": The Enfield, N.H. Shakers (Spring 2023) 

Participant Testimonials:

This course was engaging, interesting and fun! I fully enjoyed Mary Ann's teaching style. We used reading materials, music and a visit to the Shaker Museum.

Her information seemed inexhaustible! She had the information to answer every question. I was completely confident that her interpretations were faithful to the sources.


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